-ما تحكي-
كل شي رسمتلك احلام بلحظة محيتيها
You erased all the dreams I drew for you in a moment
كل شي كتبتلك كلام ولا كلمة فهمتيها
You didn't understand every (love) note I wrote for you
كل اللحظات الحنونة
All these tender times
حبي عاطفتي وجنوني
My love, my feelings and my craziness
جيتي اليوم قبال عيوني انتي حرقتيها
You burnt them all today as you passed infront of my eyes
ما تحكي
Do not speak
شو بدك تحكي
Whatever you want to speak
وتزيدي بقلبي وجعي
And increase the pain in my heart
يا جايي من قلب الكذبة
You, who came from a lie
مطرح ما كنتي ارجعي
Go back to where you came from
كل شي عديت الايام يللي غبتيها
(All the numbers) I counted the days of your absence
كل شي في ليالي ما نام ناديتك فيها
(All the nights) I called you when I couldn't sleep
كل الاشواق اللي فيي
All the cravings in me
اللهفة الاخلاص الحنية
The excitements, the faith, the affections
حتى الفرحة اللي بعينيي مني سرقتيها
You even stole the happiness in my eyes
ما تحكي
Do not speak
شو بدك تحكي
Whatever you want to speak
وتزيدي بقلبي وجعي
And increase the pain in my heart
يا جايي من قلب الكذبة
You, who came from a lie
مطرح ما كنتي ارجعي
Go back to where you came from
Note:You can't translate every Arabic sentence EXACTLY the same in English
This is how the song is said in English (Arabic into English as in transliteration)
Kel shi rsamtelik a7lam bla7za m7aytiha
kel shi ktabtelik kalam wala kelmi fehmtiha
kel el la7zat el 7anouni
7obi 3atefti w jnouni
jity el youm 2bal 3youni enti 7ara2tiha
ma te7ki sho badik te7ki we tzidi bi albi waja3i
ya jayi men 2alb l kezbi matra7 ma kenti rja3i ya leil ya leil ya leil
kel shi 3adait el ayam yalli ghebtiha
kel shi fi layali ma nam nadaytik fiha
kel l ashwa2 elli fiyi
el lahfe el ekhlas el 7enniye
7atta el far7a elli b3ayni meni sra2tiha
ma te7ki sho badik te7ki we tzidi we tzidi bi albi waja3i
ya jayi men 2alb l kezbi matra7 ma kenti rja3i